I used to turn up my nose at the idea of engaging in a gratitude practice. If you aren’t familiar with that phrase, gratitude practice is the act of acknowledging the good things in life and expressing appreciation for them. Usually, it’s executed in the form of a quickly jotted note, a thoughtful journal entry, or even a brief mental note to the self: I see what is good in my life, and I am grateful for it. Surely, one could not magically feel better just by giving thanks for the positives in life? Science says you can.
This installment of Mel’s Notebook is emailed to paid subscribers every Thursday at 9AM EST. If you would also like to receive it by email, become a paid subscriber and earn access to my full archives along with my undying gratitude!
This year, I had three whole books release. I didn’t even realize that until I sat down to write this newsletter and started thinking about gratitude. It’s Thanksgiving Day in the United States, which is not only a day of excessive cooking and eating, but also reflection. First, if you’re in the US, take a look at this map and find out whose land you’re on. Then google that tribe’s name and make a donation. Your donations will directly help the native peoples whose lands were taken by colonists, but taking the time to send that donation won’t just help Native Americans—it will also help you.
When we take the time to engage in gratitude, generosity, and thankfulness, IT HEALS OUR BODIES. No, really. That feel-good-feeling? That’s REAL. When you engage in gratitude practice, it reduces stress, improves the quality of your sleep, and builds emotional awareness. The psychological benefits of gratitiude practice are so great that they are measurable. According to this study, “Gratitude is positively correlated to more vitality, energy, and enthusiasm to work harder.”
The science of gratitude hasn’t been studied much until the past two decades, but recently, it’s grabbed the attention of scientists who have labeled gratitude as a natural antidepressant. Practicing gratitude reinforces the bliss center in the brain, increasing dopamine and serotonin, the chemicals responsible for feelings of happiness. This emotional regulation of the brain reduces fear and anxiety, and reinforces new cognitive pathways that will result in greater happiness.
Needless to say, I am ALL ABOUT gratitude practice now. Sometimes I stop and just name three things out loud that I’m grateful for. It always helps me find my center, even in these emotionally turbulent times. Right now, I’m super grateful that my latest book, Crushed, has been received SO WELL by readers and educators. I was nervous about writing a #metoo story set in middle school, as well as including a Greek chorus who give their opinions on the situation, but readers are gobbling this one up, which has earned me even more support from my publisher. THANK YOU.
I also celebrated the release of my very first picture book this year. When You Have to Wait, illustrated by the amazing Leah Hong, is a gentle meditation on the struggles of waiting and the joys of leaning into being present in the moment. I wrote this book during pandemic quarantine. I never imagined it would get two starred reviews and generous placement in indie book stores across the country. THANK YOU.
To top off my book releases for 2024, Infinite Books has published the first ever paperback copy of Counting Thyme, my debut novel. I fought so hard to get this book in paperback, and I am BEYOND grateful that readers now have an affordable option for this book, which won the International Literacy Association’s Teachers Choice Award and was nominated to five state reading lists.
To show our gratitude, Infinite Books is generously giving away 8 book classroom sets of Counting Thyme for educators!!! All you have to do is scan the QR code in the above picture, or click this link to go to the entry form. I’m so happy that this option exists now for educators everywhere!!! THANK YOU ALL.
In what is perhaps my greatest triumph of the year, I’m launching a print shop! So many readers have inquired about ordering prints of my notebook illustrations that I took the hint from the universe. You will be able to order archival quality prints in a variety of sizes, with new releases rolling out as I get them uploaded. The Love Mel Store will go live this weekend, with much fanfare and many grateful tears from me. Be sure to follow the store on Instagram for updates!!! THANK YOU.
Take a moment to jot down ten things you are thankful for. You can be as broad or as specific as you’d like. All that matters is DOING IT. Embrace gratitude practice and you will reap the rewards of a positive mindset. If this resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you in the comments, or reply to this email to share your thoughts with me directly. I’ll always do my best to reply. Happy Turkey Day! And THANK YOU.
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